Jeff Lisciandrello

Professional Development | Curriculum | EdTech | School Leadership

I am proud to share work samples that highlight my extensive track record of cultivating student-centered learning environments, driving student engagement, and achieving equitable outcomes.

When I began my teaching career, I never planned on leaving the classroom. I spent over a decade honing my craft, working through the challenges that teachers everywhere face, day-in and day-out.

This experience inspired me to help teachers support their students, without sacrificing their own well-being. This has been the driving force behind my work in professional learning and education leadership, and the inspiration behind the articles, videos, and resources you’ll find below. 

Writing Samples

man, write, plan-593333.jpg

Educational Resources

Print & digital resources that support teachers & education leaders in implementing student-centered instructional practices:


Instructional videos on classroom strategies that support collaborative, student-centered classrooms:

professional development workshops for teachers and educators

Professional Learning Programs for Educators

Individual and group learning experiences for educators that go beyond the “lecture about why you shouldn’t lecture” to support teacher ownership and measurable growth in teaching excellence.