Learning Should Be Creative, Collaborative, and Conceptual​

Room to Discover can help your school or district make this a reality.

Your Students Deserve Room to Discover

We know schools face a variety of challenges. Some schools are struggling to improve test scores and tackle classroom management issues. While others are scratching their heads to figure out how to move past traditional teaching and challenge advanced learners.

We believe every student deserves an education that honors their needs and potential. We believe learners should be at the center of their educational experience. We know grade level standards are important for measuring schools, but we also know they should never be the ultimate driver of educational decision-making.

We don’t measure success in signed work logs. We’re here to get you real results.

You’ve seen consultants who show up, get a form signed, get paid, and leave. At Room to Discover, we’re tired of consultants who take valuable money from schools, and provide little in return.

Instead, we help you take an honest look at your school or district’s performance, and show you the best next step.

A Note from Our Founder

Jeff Lisciandrello is the founder of Room to Discover and an educational consultant specializing in student-centered learning practices

Hi there,

Jeff here, founder of Room to Discover.

I was a junior in Mr. Myslik’s English class when I realized school could be more than desks in rows and endless lectures. When we read Walden in class, it all clicked. Deadlines and grades faded away. Collaboration and exciting ideas reigned.

A few years later, I landed my first teaching gig. The class had just read a short story, and I struggled to get a discussion started. Finally, a student yelled “Can’t we just do a worksheet!”

I was in shock.

At that moment, I realized that Mr. Myslik’s class wasn’t just an accident. He did something special to make meaningful learning happen in his classroom. And I didn’t know how to do that yet.

Over the last two decades, master teachers and inspirational school leaders helped me combine the culture of Mr. Myslik’s class with the lens of measurable results. I was soon taking systems I’d created for my classroom and helping to implement them throughout the school.

These experiences led me to found Room to Discover. As educators, we don’t facilitate learning by providing information, we do it by helping students see what they are capable of. We do it by giving them opportunities to explore and to create.

As school leaders and education influencers, we don’t support teachers with scripted curricula and harsh evaluations. We meet teachers where they are and support them in achieving their own goals.

I look forward to working with you to provide all students with a rich and rewarding education.


Jeff Lisciandrello

Our Philosophy

The Three-Bridges Design for Learning

The 3-Bridges Design for Learning balances the need for standards with the needs of individual learners. We recognize that our current system relies on a fixed pace, content coverage approach, but we also know that each student’s needs are unique. Our goal is not to eliminate lectures and textbooks, but to balance traditional and progressive models of instruction.

Three Bridges Design for Learning Balances Differentiation and Content Coverage

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