Share Your Strategies and Successes in a Guest Blog Post
Our readers are educators like you, looking to learn from your stories, your strategies, and your successes. Submit a guest post today to be featured in our weekly blog and newsletter.

Let Your Voice Be Heard
Every day, educators are exploring, learning, and striving to overcome the same classroom challenges that you face. By sharing your stories and strategies, you can help spread student-centered learning to classrooms around the world.
What If I’m Not a Writer?
We certainly appreciate solid paragraph structure and clear grammar. But we also understand that not every educator is an English teacher. If we accept your submission, our editors will polish your content, and help you sound like a seasoned pro.
What Makes a Great Guest Post?
A great guest post teaches educators something new, but it starts with a story. Your story should be personal, and should address how you or your students overcame a challenge.
Your post should be between 1000 and 2000 words. It should have a clear structure, with each section under 300 words, and containing a subheading.
We’ve found that our most popular blog posts start with a personal story that illustrates a problem. Next, they explore the problem in depth, propose a solution, and show other educators how to make that solution a reality in their classrooms.
Before submitting your post, please be sure it follows this format. Posts not following this format will not be considered.
- Anecdote: Tell the story of a time before you discovered the idea you are writing about. This story should help the reader feel the challenge you faced. Include plenty of details: sights, sounds, even made-up names for your “characters.”
- Problem: Now that you’ve shared the challenge you experienced, help us understand the problem. If the first section is about feeling your pain, this section is about analyzing the reason behind the pain. This is a good place to include links to research or authoritative articles about your topic. (You can link to universities, newspapers, or non-commercial sites like Edutopia. Do not link to any commercial or product sites).
- Solution: Share your solution to the problem you faced. This section can be an activity, step-by-step instructions, or a list of options. It is likely the longest section of your post. You can break this section into subheadings for clarity, keeping each section under 300 words.
- Helpful Tips: After learning about your solution, other teachers will want to know how to bring your idea to their classrooms. Can you link to free resources that will help them? Should they have a careful plan and stick to it? Or should they start with an idea and go with the flow. Any insight you can provide will help your readers have the confidence to try your solutions in their own classrooms.
Terms and Conditions
We do our best to allow every educator to share their stories and solutions. But we do maintain high standards for the quality of the content we share with our readers. We will not consider any of the following for publication:
- Advertisements or posts about a particular product or service
- Posts that have already been published or are being considered for publication on another site
- Posts that attack individuals, schools, companies, or products
- Posts that focus on problems without practical solutions
- Anything that does not reflect the author’s experience as a classroom teacher or administrator