Adding Decimals to Hundreths with Base-10 Blocks | Digital Visual Models

Adding Decimals to Hundreths with Base-10 Blocks | Digital Visual Models

Looking for a great digital visual models activity to help your students practice addition within decimals with base-10 blocks? These visual model Google Slides activities are a simple but effective way to help students create more effective visual models using digital manipulatives when working with adding to hundredths. Use the “edit master slide” to create even more interactive activities for your students to practice. There is a video link with instructions on how to edit the Google Slide to create even more problems.


Looking for a great digital visual models activity to help your students practice adding decimals to hundredths ? These visual model Google Slides activities are a simple but effective way to help students create more effective visual models using digital manipulatives when working with adding decimals to hundredths.
Use the “edit master slide” to create even more interactive activities for your students to practice. There is a video link with instructions on how to edit the Google Slide to create even more problems.

What’s Included?

These Adding to Hundredths with Base-10 Blocks activities contain everything you need to teach this lesson with minimal prep time:

  • Editable Google Slides activity – added to your Google Drive
  • Practice problems with manipulatives that are ready to go
  • Video: How to edit Google Master Slides


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