Fractions as division word problems combine two of the biggest challenges students face in math: fractions, and word problems.
Although students first learn about fractions as parts of a whole, they also need to understand that fractions are quotients: the numerator divided by the denominator.
These word problems present real-world scenarios where a whole number divided by a whole number results in a fraction.
In this lesson, your students will use the Polya process and create visual models to solve challenging word problems. They’ll also engage in collaborative inquiry to deepen their conceptual understanding of fractions as division. (Common Core Standard 5.NF.B.3)
Benefits of The Fractions as Division Word Problems Lesson
This lesson plan is designed for the Math Workshop model of collaborative inquiry.
Your students will have the opportunity to collaborate with peers, as they learn a structured process for solving word problems, and deepen their understanding of fraction concepts.
The included activities can be completed digitally or in print form. And the included teachers’ guide will prepare you to teach the standard (5.NF.B.3) and facilitate collaborative learning.
You’ll also save time by using the pre-made lesson plan and group work rubric. And the completed activities make for a great formative assessment or an artifact for student portfolios.
- Low Floor, High Ceiling Math Task
- Collaborative Learning Activity
- Supports Deep Conceptual Understanding
- Aligned to Standards (5.NF.B.3)
- Promotes Student Discourse
- Minimal Prep Time
What’s Included?
These fractional quotient word problems contain everything you need to teach this lesson with minimal prep time. Plus, the activities are editable, so you can use them again and again with different problems and for different standards:
- Editable Google Slides activity – added to your Google Drive
- Complete Math Workshop Lesson Plan
- Printable .pdf Activity
- Answer Keys
- Teaching Tips
- Group Work Rubric
- Video: How to edit Google Master Slides
- Video: Integrating into Google Classroom
Melissa G. –
Great resource!