Few topics in math are as challenging, or as important, as Expressions and Equations. Using the True/ False method to practice multiplying and dividing expressions and equations will make a huge difference in success.
With this resource, your students will use True/False Equations to practice expressions and equations with multiplying and dividing whole numbers through engaging and hands-on Google Slides activities. They will use interactive digital tools (Google Slides) to build student engagement and generate meaningful math discussions.
(Common Core Standard 3.OA.B.5)
You’ll also save time by using the pre-made activities. And the completed activities make for a great formative assessment or an artifact for student portfolios.
Low Floor, High Ceiling Math Task
Digital Activity
Supports Deep Conceptual Understanding
Aligned to Standards (3.OA.B.5)
Promotes Student Discourse
Minimal Prep Time
Easy to Edit and Create More Activities
What’s Included?
These Multiplying and Subtracting Whole Numbers activities contain everything you need to teach this lesson with minimal prep time:
Editable Google Slides activity – added to your Google Drive
Practice problems with interactive options
Video: How to edit Google Master Slides
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